Azerbaijan is an original country with an ancient history. This place is truly unique: due to its geographical location, it is equally close to the Middle East, Transcaucasia, and Eastern Europe. This feature was reflected in the kitchen of the state. By the way, Azerbaijani dishes were already added to the Paddock Restaraunt menu!
Azerbaijani cuisine is also special because it has collected the best qualities and traditions of the people inhabiting it. Thanks to this, it is considered one of the most delicious in Western Asia and the Caucasus. Azerbaijani dishes are characterized by a variety of vegetables, fruits, spices, and fragrant herbs. Most of the dishes have spicy flavors. Pork here is not allowed due to the religion of the traditional population. But dishes from lamb, poultry, and river and sea Caspian fish are especially famous.

Azerbaijani Cuisine At Paddock Restaurant: lamb, beef, chicken, fish and numerous sorts of spices and herbs, including hot and black pepper, basil, cinnamon, cloves, dill, parsley etc.
Azerbaijani cuisine has specific dishes for certain foods. For instance, pilaf is cooked in cauldrons, special boilers with a thickened bottom, and special lids in which hot coals are placed to ensure that the pilaf “up revels” evenly. Piti soup is cooked in pits. They use a frying pan by the same name with a tiny brazier built under it to prepare a unique form of cold cuts called saja. To cook kebabs and other dishes, such as cups for first courses, miniature saucepans for stewing meat, and more, a variety of skewers are utilized.
The great news is that Paddock Restaurant has traditional Azerbaijani dishes in our menu. Come and try real Azerbaijani dishes, which are made under the guidance of the chef, a native of Azerbaijan. The chef knows exactly how to cook traditional dishes, so they will be 100% identical to Azerbaijani cuisine.